Toronto North Support Services
Intake for mental health services in Toronto.
Across Boundaries
A mental health centre providing services that recognize negative impact of racism and discrimination on racialized communities. They offer cultural competency workshops for organizations.
Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region
Alliston office >> 4-35 Victoria Street East, Alliston ON L9R 1T9
Aurora office >> 15150 Yonge Street, Aurora ON L4G 1M2
Bradford office >> 107 Holland Street E, PO Box 1203, Bradford ON L3Z 2B6
Markham office >> 3601 Highway 7 East, HSBC Tower, Suite 710, Markham ON L3R 0M3
Vaughan office >> 241 Hanlan Rd, Vaughan ON
Offers a variety of programs to assist people residing in York region with their recovery from mental illness. 905-853-8477 or 1-866-208-5509
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) >> Provides intensive treatment and support to individuals with serious mental illness to reduce symptoms, reduce hospital stays and improve quality of life.
Case Management Program >> Provides assistance to individuals with mental illness to link to community resources and to help cope with symptoms.
Community Education and Information >> Aims to reduce stigma and promote wellness.
Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) >> Services provides for those age 16-35 experiencing psychosis for the first time.
Mental Health Court Support >> Support and advocacy for those individuals experiencing mental illness and involved with the criminal justice system.
Psychotherapy >> Assisting individuals to see the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions, and to enhance their wellness. Age 16+
Recovery Program >> Assists individuals to develop life skills such as social skills, employment skills etc. Also offers coffee clubs for youth.
Support for Depression >> Self-help group facilitated by individuals who have went through depression themselves. Provides help in developing coping skills.
Youth Wellness >> Classroom workshops for grades 6-12. Education and information is provided to students to increase awareness of mental health issues and to de-stigmatize and de-mystify mental illness.
Eating Disorders of York Region (EDOYR)
905-886-6632 or 1-888-407-8813
Provides support, groups, and information about eating disorders.
Hong Fook Mental Health Association
Facilitates access to mental health services for people with linguistic and cultural barriers.
Krasman Centre
10121 Yonge Street (just north of Major Mackenzie) Richmond Hill
905-780-0491 or 1-888-780-0724
Warm Line: 1-888-777-0979
The centre offers recreation activities, access to computers, self-help, and advocacy. The Krasman Centre also operates the Warm Line.
Mary McGill Mental Health Centre, part of Stevenson Memorial Hospital (separate building)
200 Fletcher Crescent, Alliston ON L9R 1W7
705-435-6281 x5140
Counselling, groups, crisis support in Alliston. Crisis appointments will be booked for same day or day after face-to-face appointments. Provides crisis worker support for hospital emergency department.
Mens Sana
3200 Steeles Ave W (West of Jane), Woodbridge Ontario 416-749-6234
Bruna Bertoni
Drop-in centre/day program for individuals with mental illness.
Mental Health Service Information Ontario (MHSIO)
Searchable database and phone service for individuals looking for mental health services anywhere in Ontario.
Mood Disorders Association
National Eating Disorders Information Centre (NEDIC)
200 Elizabeth St. Toronto ON M5G 2C4
416-340-4156 or 1-866-633-4220
Provides information, referrals, and support to those affected by eating disorders. Open M-Fri 9am-9pm.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Helpline
A free helpline for individuals suffering from symptoms of OCD.
Schizophrenia Society of Ontario
130 Spadina Ave, Suite 302, Toronto ON M5V 2L4
Provides services to support and empower families, engages in advocacy work and community education.
Streamlined Access
Intake for Case Management in York Region.
York Support Services Network (YSSN)
YSSN Newmarket
905-898-6455, 1-866-257-9776
YSSN South Office
50 McIntosh Drive, Suite 239, Markham, L3R 9T3
905-305-7440, fax 905-305-7442
Provides case management services to both children and adults with developmental disabilities and/or mental illness. YSSN also provides respite services, has 4 crisis beds, a mobile crisis response team, a mental health support team working with the police, short-term follow-up and support. YSSN also operates the 24 hour crisis line 310-COPE.
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